This coming August 13~16 is the Tour for Kids epic cycling event.
The participants, will traverse between 200 and 800 kilometers of road, over a 2 and 4-day ride in Eastern Ontario.
By raising funds through cycling, children and youths cancer-recovery support programmes will benefit. The Tour for Kids organizers note that about 1700 more children each year in Canada are diagnosed with cancer, to join the 10,000+ already living with this disease.
OCTTO is supporting this ride; you can make an instant and secure online donation by clicking here.
(For more information on how YOU or a friend can participate in Tour For Kids, as a rider, volunteer or a sponsor, please visit the Tour For Kid's website.
We highly recommend participating. It's a fully supported tour, the organizers really provide ample amenities for the participants. The level of organization is top-notch and there is a great atmosphere surrounding the event. I was equally impressed with the number of novice cyclists who were participating, so if you have only a moderate level of cyclo-fitness then you are already qualified to register.)